研究 compliance includes requirements related to human subjects research, 利益冲突, 负责任地进行研究, 动物护理和使用, safety and environmental protection, and appropriate use of sponsor funds. Montana Tech is committed to ensuring all research complies with federal, 状态, 大学, 以及赞助政策.

从1月1日开始, 2024, 蒙大拿大学将使用网络系统“Cayuse Human Ethics”进行人体主题研究, replacing the paper-and-email submission system. We have stopped accepting paper applications as of March 18, 2024. 点击这里 for more information and guidelines for the new Cayuse platform.


As a part of the University of Montana (UM) affiliation of campuses, 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学参与了UM的人类受试者保护系统及其机构审查委员会(IRB). 澳门大学机构审查委员会(IRB)的使命是确保研究中人类参与者的保护, maintain federal regulatory compliance, and facilitate research within the University of Montana affiliation.

All projects involving human subjects research by Montana Tech faculty, 工作人员, or 学生 must be approved by the UM IRB. 这些项目的拨款申请也必须在RO和OSP处理之前出示IRB批准的证据.

在一般情况下, 一个机构被认为从事一个特定的非豁免人类受试者研究项目,当其雇员, 学生, or agents for the purposes of the research project obtain: (1) data about the subjects of the research through intervention or interaction with them; (2) identifiable private information about the subjects of the research; or (3) the informed consent of human subjects for the research. See the Federal guidance on engagement.

Is Your Project Human Subjects 研究?

umirb根据联邦对研究和人类受试者的定义审查项目. For detailed clarification and examples, please refer to "Is your project Human Subjects 研究?" 研究人员应该谨慎行事,并咨询IRB以确定其项目的状态.


  • 所有研究团队成员都需要完成人类受试者保护课程,然后才能批准IRB申请(可能会被IRB主席免除某些豁免项目)。.
  • IRB审查必须进行 之前 you involve human participants in your research, including any study advertisement or subject recruitment.
  • You need to have final, written IRB approval 之前 you begin.  All consent forms and flyers must be approved, date-stamped, and signed 在使用前由IRB审核.
  • If you do not have IRB approval for your research, your research project cannot be recognized by Montana Tech and, 为学生, may not be accepted to fulfill any academic requirements.
  • 除非在非常有限的情况下,内部审查委员会不能审查已经进行的研究.



Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects

蒙大拿州董事会对利益冲突的定义是,当雇员的职业行为或决定受到或可能受到个人或经济利益考虑的影响时. Conflicts can involve the employee, 配偶, 国内合作伙伴, or dependent children – and must be disclosed, as if they applied directly to the employee.

Examples of possible 利益冲突 are

  • 股权权益(e).g. 股票, 股票期权, (或其他所有权权益)价值超过5美元的公开交易实体,000或超过5%的所有权, or a combination of stock and income from the entity that exceeds $5,000.
  • 非公开交易实体(如初创公司)的任何所有权权益, 不管值是多少.
  • Income from intellectual property rights (e.g. patents, copyrights, and royalties) paid by any source other than Montana Tech.

For a full list of conflicts of interest, see the 利益冲突 policy.

蒙大拿州理工学院负责确保所有潜在的利益冲突得到识别,并负责管理/消除冲突, so that they do not improperly affect Montana Tech, 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院做出的决定, 或者任何菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的研究, 教育, 以及公共服务活动. We want to ensure the integrity of research and sponsored work, to maintain public trust and confidences, and to protect the University and its faculty, 工作人员, 和学生.

The scientific enterprise is built on a foundation of trust. 社会相信科学研究结果是研究人员工作的诚实和准确的反映. 研究ers equally trust that their colleagues have gathered data carefully, have used appropriate analytic and statistical techniques, have reported their results 准确地, and have treated the work of other researchers with respect. 当信任错位,科学的专业标准被违反, 研究人员不仅个人受到了冒犯,他们还觉得自己的职业基础遭到了破坏.



Montana Tech is responsible for enabling faculty, 工作人员, 学生应负责任地进行研究,以最高的尊重对待研究对象,诚实地进行研究, 准确地, 有效地, 、客观地. 至关重要的是,研究导师将这些价值观传达给学生研究人员,并确保学生了解如何以道德和负责任的方式进行研究.

教师, 工作人员, MBMG研究人员, 参加菲律宾十大彩票平台学院研究的学生在参加研究活动之前需要接受RCR培训, along with a refresher every 4 years.

研究 misconduct is the fabrication, 伪造, 或者是求婚中的抄袭, 执行, 或者回顾研究, or in reporting research results according to 42 CFR Part 93. 研究 misconduct does not include honest error or differences of opinion. At Montana Tech allegations of research misconduct are taken seriously, 调查, 举报人也受到保护.

Review the Montana Tech 科研不端行为 Policy.


We are here to answer your questions, and connect you with the right resources to optimize research, 增长, 和发现.

研究办公室 & 赞助项目办公室
210 212 213
(406) 496-4106